Summer Island of Singapore
...going places
Travel Designer Management
+65 6338 6477
License No.: TA01554
Adventure Cove Waterpark
Dolphin Island Singapore
Marina Bay Sand Skypark
iFly Singapore
Wild Wild West
Art Science Museum
Singapore Science Centre
Adventure Cove Waterpark
Dolphin Island Singapore
Marina Bay Sand Skypark
iFly Singapore
Wild Wild West
Art Science Museum
Singapore Science Centre
Adventure Cove Waterpark
Dolphin Island Singapore
Marina Bay Sand Skypark
iFly Singapore
Wild Wild West
Art Science Museum
Singapore Science Centre
Places to visit while you in Singapore
探索新加坡的不同地区,体验每个地区其独特的特色和魅力,跟了解我们如何拥抱文化多样性。 認识我们的历史,了解我们如何从一个小渔村转变为这个充满活力的国际大都市。深入了解我们举世闻名的建筑如可把新旧并存。 从室内到室外,从白天到黑夜,拥抱大自然和野生动物的步行道,5 个适合所有年龄段的主题公园,或世界知名的入夜的乌节路璀璨亮丽的全景景观,不乏您可以拥有的活动和体验。
Explore Singapore’s different districts, each with its unique characters and charms, understanding how we embrace cultural diversity. Learn about our history, how we transform from a little fishing village to this vibrant hub of the world. Our world renowned architecture showcases the juxtaposition of the old and the new. From indoor to outdoor, day to night, walking trails that embraces the nature and the wildlife, the 5 theme parks that catered for all ages, or the world renowned nightlight, there is no shortage of activities and experience you could have.
Adventure Cove Waterpark 水上探险乐园
Dolphin Island Singapore 圣淘沙海豚岛
Singapore Science Centre 新加坡科学馆
National Gallery Singapore 新加坡国家美术馆